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To Love Beyond All Borderlines

Writer: Ananya AnandAnanya Anand

Although the draconian law of Section 377 was declared unconstitutional in 2018, a staunch prejudice against the LGBTQIA+ community, generally termed as Homophobia, still refuses to leave the minds of millions of Indians.

If your sexual orientation even "dares" to go against the norms and roles that are put in by our society for you, you can expect to be ignored, argued with, alienated, feared, or even abused.

No, I am not reading out the guidelines of some dystopian world— This is just the story of India.

You don't find people here rolling their eyes, looking away in disgust, or gossiping behind the backs of those who are openly Cis-Het so where this prejudice that is aimed only against the LGBTIQIA+ community come from?

A large majority of the older generations seems wary of the idea that something beyond the confines of Heterosexuality can exist, which I personally have always alluded to their firm desire to find their children settled down as per traditions, continuing the lineage with their offsprings that too only with a partner that they choose for them. The sheer idea that their children could find love in someone that is not of the opposite sex/gender, and is clearly not their family's choice, floods their minds with hate for the LGBTQIA+ community — A hate which they, unfortunately, pass onto their future generations... Us.

Why do people still find calling their peers homophobic slurs to be "humorous"?

Listen, This is the 21st century: All these jokes achieve is making me see you for the ignorant, narrow-minded person you are, and not the top-class comedian that you claim to be.

Now is perhaps the best time for all of us to help educate our peers, and ourselves, about the LGBTQIA+ community, and normalize ourselves to it just the way we are so used to Straight Culture. Seeing some of my dearest friends be afraid of coming out solely because we as a society make them feel like an alien in their own lands, is a sight and experience no person should endure. And those who do come out and live their lives boldly on their own terms, are braver than I could ever be.

When people make it seem like it is a choice, mood, phase, or a preference, it belittles their identity and their rights, making it seem like their sexuality is something they can turn off with the flick of a switch. It is just who they are, no different from you and I, and neither do they ever deserve to be told otherwise.

Being gay isn't a personality trait, Not knowing the difference between being Transgender and being Intersex is not a choice, and Not letting the LBGQTIA+ community feel valid is not humane.

In the end, there is only one thing I can say to those people who, despite all the brilliant sources out there that they can use to educate themselves, refuse to drop their regressive mindsets-

Homosexuality exists in over 1,500 species

Homophobia exists in only ONE.

Which one, do you think, is unnatural then?


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